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Spring Onion TEST-1

This is a 6 day test to compare the regrowing of spring onions in 4 groups: NO treatment, Direct Agrosonics Application, Agrosonics at 1 foot, and Agrosonics at 4 feet. All are using onions cut to the same initial size with equal lighting and using well water.

Farm/ Grow operation: 
Home Test
Salem Oregon
Objective of showcase: 

To document the differences of Agrosonics treated spring onion regrowth with and without Agrosonics Phononic Treatment

Type of plant(s): 
Spring Onions
Approach of installation: 

To keep all of the growing circumstances equal, the onions were chosen from the same bag of onions, using the same glasses with the same amount of water, with windows on the same side of the house. It was decided to use 3 spring onions in each glass to compare and see if there are any differences in the treatments depending on the amount of, proximity, Agrosonics treatment. The Agrosonics unit was on the 3 cycle per day of 55 minutes audible treatment.


There was visible differences between the treated and untreated onion as early as 24 hours into the test. The treated onions all showed more growth than the untreated with the group at 1 foot proximity and 4 feet showing the most significant growth. Next test will use separate glasses for each onion so the results cant be photographed on a grid every day and get more detailed growth measurements.

Monday, January 3, 2022 to Sunday, January 9, 2022